Wednesday, March 7, 2012

New Girl Style: Injured

After last night's episode, I'm pretty sure we're getting close to Nick and Jess FINALLY getting together. I have been waiting for this since episode one, and I couldn't be more excited.

Last night's episode took a bit of a serious tone, without foregoing its usual humor. After Nick bruised his spine when Jess tackled him playing football, they went to Jess's OBGYN friend for a free exam. Of course, Nick resisted, but since he doesn't have a real job that comes with health insurance, he had no choice. When Jess's friend noticed he had a growth in his thyroid, Jess immediately panicked and thought the worst.

Later that night, while Nick was working at the bar, Jess, Schmidt, and Winston all sat staring at him with somber faces. They then proceeded to Web MD search his symptoms (which you should never do BTDubs) and their search came up with Thyroid Tumor, aka cancer. Of course all of them believe this, and when they show it to Nick, Jess challenges him to do something that he's always wanted to do.

They all, then, end up at the beach, drunk. The boys run into the water naked, and they all have a wonderful time. Jess and Nick sit down and talk for awhile and finally they all fall sleep on the sand. When they wake up the next morning, they all head to Nick's scheduled ultrasound, expecting the worst news. Of course, he comes out alright and healthy, but it seems he's taken a new perspective on things.

Although Nick can't remember most of the night due to his pain killers and alcohol mixing, I think he can sense the moment that he and Jess shared at the beach when he asks her, "What happened last night?" and they just stare into each other's eyes ;)

Jess's outfit last night when they went out to the beach was so cute. We didn't get much of a view of her dress, but I could tell it was a long sleeve navy blue shirt dress. I personally love this shirt dress from ModCloth so much. It's a new arrival and I am keeping my eye on it. Jess's fuchsia coat is what really made the outfit last night. She always knows how to make a statement with what she wears, and this was no exception! 

Memorable quotes

“You’re walking like a Disney witch” – Jess

“Are you using your best friend’s medical crisis to feel my boobs with your face?” – CeCe

"Nick: I don't have a vagina.
Patient: You can take mine.
Jess: I heard that, sister.
Patient: True that."